Some people think that I have yet to pay enough attention to the issues that directly affect the students of Saint Louis University. All I have to say to that is…you’re right.
So, let me reflect briefly on some of the newest legislation to come before the Student Government Association Senate.
I would like to thank and congratulate President Jay Perry and his co-sponsors Josh Campbell, Tara Mihok, Dane Salazar on their legislative moves to make improvements to the Great Issues Committee.
As Perry noticed in yesterday’s Senate meeting, these changes reflect requests that have been expressed for the last three years. I would like to note that while the Charlton Heston debacle was not the inspiring motive for these changes, it was, by far, the bushel of hay that broke the camel’s back. But after discussing the issue with long-standing students of SLU as well as members of the Great Issues Committee itself, I see that these changes have been needed for sometime.
I would like to note also, for those of you who are determined to read more into this than what is written, these changes are not in any way brought about by the sole actions of Derek Goewert.
I would like to state the obvious by pointing out that if these problems have persisted for some time, there is no way Goewert could be responsible.
But in all this, it is the changes that are important to the student body.
In a nutshell, it supports an increase in representation on the committee. The president’s plan outlines in detail how major student organizations will have mandatory seats on the committee.
At this time, prior to the amendments, there are seats designated for the Student Activities Board, the International Student Federation, the Black Student Alliance, as well as a faculty representative, and 11 seats for students from the student body at-large.
The opportunities from this kind of restructuring are endless.
It is apparent that the authors of this bill are seeking to give a number of SLU’s diverse groups the opportunity to educate the student body on a whole range of issues.
I am especially encouraged by the appointments of seats for reps from the ISF and the BSA. I believe that if the members appointed to the committee are responsibly chosen, they will be able to bring about a diversity on campus that students have been searching for for years now.
In addition to the restructuring of the committee itself, SGA has sought to hold the committee more responsible for the spending of its enormous budget. As the president pointed out, this committee carries with it the most significant chunk of change of any of the committees appointed.
The committee would now have to get approval for any projects, which would cost more than $5,000.
The reason I applaud Perry and his co-sponsors is that this is the type of legislation which defines why we elect these representatives.
The increase in representation on the GI committee will allow more of the multiple views that make up this campus to be reflected in those who come to stand as role models to our students.
That itself is an increase in the Jesuit appearance of our school, and speaks highly of the responsibility of those who are in a position to effect the education or lack thereof, or our community.
So, if you have any idea who your senators are, please encourage them to vote for this bill.
If you yourself are a senator, I encourage you to make your position of representative your top priority here, and vote for this bill that reeks with Americanism.