God speed, and God bless all you crazy, apathetic college students. Yeah, I’m talking to you 50 or so lazy Generation X’ers who are going to the Capitol this weekend. I mean, why don’t you go out and really do something with your education?
Go out there, and have your little rally. Go on your little sightseeing trip. Gonna talk to those big old Congress people, huh? I mean seriously people, don’t you have something better to do with your tuition?
Well, OK, seriously. The surprise just doesn’t stop. Coming on the heels of an overwhelming delegation at a recent protest, Saint Louis University students are once again connecting their classroom education with the real world better than any group of people our age. Fifty students; My brothers and sisters-that’s incredible!
All this from the part of the population that’s going to bring about the downfall of everything good about the world. That’s pretty impressive.
And over what? Not in support of mandatory video game training paid for by the Department of Education. Not in opposition to mandatory dress codes in our public schools. Not even for an increase in government education assistance.
But they are driving more hours than I get credit for in a semester for something as simple as life. In fact, that is exactly why they are driving there-to defend life.
Now, many people asked me if I was going to write an abortion column in light of this weekend’s march in Washington, D.C. which is the event to which I referred above.
My response to them and all of you is: “No, I am not going to write an abortion column.” But I will say this. I like life. It is the only gift that all of us have been given.
Personally, I believe God distributes that gift. Unfortunately, there have been people who are so wrapped up in the political workings of issues (no, I am not referring to any of SLU’s delegation this weekend), that they want you to think only of abortion when you hear of people “fighting for life.”
But what I want to bring to mind is the phrase itself. Those who I have talked to who are involved with this trip, and countless people who I have talked to about the issue in the past, understand that when you fight for life, you are really fighting for all life. While abortion can be labeled a woman’s issue, a baby issue, a pregnant issue, or a man and wife issue, fighting for life is an issue that affects all of us in the most personal way.
What our delegates are asking for is the protection of life, including the life of those who have broken the laws of the state, those who may attempt to harm their own lives, those who may face death due to a lack of health care that most of us can achieve, as well as those who are unborn. They are fighting for those whose living conditions may bring premature and unnecessary death.
They are also asking our elected officials to prevent institutions or trends that may shorten the life of any of us. I want to thank and congratulate them on making a significant sacrifice to speak on behalf of all of us.
For those of you who take strength from prayer, I ask you to pray for these representatives of life. But as a person, who suffered the premature losses of four acquaintances over this Christmas break (including our brother, Mike Reike) please take a moment this weekend, to keep in mind our 50 or so brothers and sisters, and remember just how lucky we are to have such a wonderful gift.