Take a walk down to Kearbey’s tonight to hear some good music, support a good cause, and maybe even win some free plane tickets. The first Alpha Phi Omega Band Benefit will be on the third floor of Kearbey’s from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m., and tickets are $5.
The APO Band Benefit is also being sponsored by Sigma Phi Epsilon and Southwest Airlines and will be raising money for the Ronald McDonald House. Southwest Airlines has donated two round-trip tickets to anywhere it flies.
Those tickets will be raffled off during the concert.
Two local bands, Impact and The Dean Evers Band, will be performing.
Impact plays all original rock-and-roll songs, while The Dean Evers Band specializes in covers and dance music.
Nancy Croak, executive secretary of APO and head of the band benefit committee said, “We are not only hoping to raise a lot of money for an important charity, but we are also hoping to get our name out on campus. We are a co-ed, service fraternity grounded in friendship and leadership. We hope a lot of people will come out to help us support this cause.”
Ronald McDonald Houses provide a “home away from home” for families of seriously ill children who are being treated at nearby hospitals.
Rather than having to live in waiting rooms, families of patients can temporarily reside in the Ronald McDonald Houses.
The first house opened in 1974, and today there are 206 houses in 19 countries.
They are supported almost entirely by donations and rely heavily on local volunteers.
“One of our advisors works at Ronald McDonald House, and many people from APO volunteer there. The organization does so many good things,” said Rich Strathmann, sophomore APO member.
Tickets will be on sale today in the Quad from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and can also be purchased at the door.