Tuesday, August 8, 2000
Stealing Under $750
Pius Library
An employee reported her bicycle was taken from the bike rack outside the building. It had been secured to the rack with a cable lock.
Wednesday, August 9, 2000
Stealing Under $750
Macelwane Hall
A student had her purse taken from a table in an unlocked classroom. The room was left unattended.
Monday, August 14, 2000
Stealing Under $750
Busch Memorial Center
A student reported that a CD player and several CD’s were taken from the Student Government Association office, which was unlocked.
Wednesday, August 16, 2000
Stealing Under $750
Xavier Hall
A housekeeping employee reported that while her purse was locked in a closet, person(s) unknown gained entry and stole some earrings from her purse.