Saint Louis University will be hosting PRO-AM day on Feb. 23, 2001 in the Busch Memorial Center. Several professionals in public relations will speak and be available for questions.
“This is a great event for SLU,” said Liese Hutchison, faculty advisor for the PR club. “It helps promote the communication department and what we teach our students. It gives us visibility at both a regional and professional level. Students will get to meet with the professionals and talk one-on-one.”
Professionals in public relations from several specialty fields, such as sports, healthcare and technology, will be speaking at the event. Stan Richardson, communication manager for the St. Louis Blues and Ellen Rostand, vice president of Fleishman-Hillard are among the many professionals attending.
“PRO-AM day is a great way to find out more about the profession,” said Vicki Ventrella, president of SLU’s PR club. “You also get some excellent advice on interviewing, resume and cover-letter writing and much more.”
Sessions will be held throughout the day, featuring issues such as keys for success, public relations ethics and careers in public relations.
Students will have the opportunity to talk with professionals during the luncheon, resume review and mock interviews.
“My major is communication, and I want to get an internship this summer,” said SLU Junior Kelly Brannon.
“I want to meet as many business people as I can. The more people see your face, the better they will remember you.”
The event is limited to 100 students. Members of the St. Louis PRSA (Public Relations Society of America) chapter will also be attending.
“I’ve been attending PRO-AM day for three years now, and I feel like it’s really helped me figure out what I want to do after graduation.” Ventrella said.
For more information, contact the PR Club office at 977-3144.