1. Monday, Feb. 25
Stealing Under $750
Law School
An ITS employee reported that sometime during the Christmas break, a laptop computer was removed from a “server room” by person(s) unknown.
2. Tuesday, Feb. 26
Stealing Under $750
Allied Health Building
A student reported the theft of personal items from an unlocked locker on 2/11/2002.
3. Wednesday, Feb. 27
Stealing Under $750
Detroit Mercy Parking Lot
A visiting Washington University student reported that while his vehicle was parked on the lot, person(s) unknown stole his jumper cables and tire pump.
4. Friday, March 1
Stealing Under $750
Griesedieck Hall
An employee reported the theft of a cell phone from his coat pocket.
5. Friday, March 1
Stealing Under $750
Walsh Hall
Person(s) unknown took a student’s laundry from a dryer in the laundry room.
6. Friday, March 1
Stealing Under $750
Bannister House
A Sodexho employee had money taken from his pants when they were left unattended in a restroom.
7. Saturday, March 2
Marguerite Hall
Two students were smoking marijuana in their room. DPS and Residence Life responded; the items were confiscated and placed in the DPS safe. The incident is being referred to the Judiciary Committee.
Lost & Found: Cell phone found at the College Church (2/23/02)