For those students who are tired of wasting their meals at the
end of each week, Dining Services has an answer. Students who have
a meal plan will soon be able to use their meals in the Busch
Student Center.
According to Chartwells Director Fred Wencel, Dining Services
worked with Kathy Humphrey, vice president of Student Development,
and Maria Hein, business manager of the department of Student
Development, to create a system where meal plan customers can use
their meals in the BSC.
By the end of next week, students should be able to use their
meal plan in Au Bon Pain Monday through Thursday from 4:30 p.m. to
7 p.m. and in Wackadoo’s on Friday from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. The
meal is worth up to $6, with students paying the difference.
The meal cannot be used to buy alcoholic beverages.
Wencel is also working on creating the same type of plan at the
School of Allied Health.
There is currently a café on the campus at which students
will be able to use their meal plans in the future.
While Wencel won’t know until at least next week if the
Griesedieck cafeteria is being overcrowded due to the closing of
DeMattias Cafeteria, the new meal options should help to alleviate
any problems.
In addition, a new coffee shop has opened in the School of Law
and the new dish machine in Griesedieck should be running by the
end of the week, allowing students to eat on china. Last fall
students had to eat with disposable utensils and plates, which
continued in the spring.
“I just hate to see people eating off of paper plates,” Wencel