Drivers, rest your hearts. Parking and Card Services is finally getting the overhaul it sorely needs.
This won’t happen for another year or so, but that’s okay. It is enough to know they are trying, that the gears are in motion, that soon some of our most desperate parking woes will be alleviated.
The plans for this departmental renovation are aimed at fixing the more confused aspects of its system. Currently, one’s parking card can open nearly any lot, regardless of whether or not their type of permit actually allows them to park there. Many students found themselves with copious amounts of parking tickets for the sole reason that they were confused over where their cars belonged. Under the new system, cards will only open the gates to lots where one is permitted to park.
Still, the system for appealing tickets remains unsatisfactory, and there are no motions to revolutionize it. When students appeal citations relating to their own personal conduct, they can physically speak with a board of representatives and argue their case; this is not the case with parking tickets. The current method involves filling out a 10-line form that is then handed off to a six-person panel who decide on the cases in a meeting once every other month. There is no opportunity for a student to defend themselves in earnest, and the method continues to be impersonal at best.
Despite this lingering gripe, the systemic renovations Parking and Card Services intends to pursue are promising. In a few years, we will hopefully see a smoother, less bewildering parking system, and those with cars on campus can rest a little bit easier.