After an extended open forum, Student Government Association proceeded with new business.
Bills amending the constitution and the bylaws were tabled for one week.
The bill amending the constitution will add two new Senate seats for the next school year, one for the Flats at 374 and a commuter seat.
“The Flats are subject to University guidelines,” Business School Senator and author of the bill Samantha Morr said. “So I think it’s important to have a senator there.”
The bill amending the bylaws makes changes to the student government election proceedings.
Changes include decreasing the amount of signatures, selecting the Election Commissioner earlier, adjusting the voting times on Banner and adjusting the amount of money that candidates can contribute to the campaign.
The change that had the most discussion was limiting tickets to just the executive board and having senators run on their own without a ticket.
“This allows the platform to get clearer,” College of Arts & Sciences Senator and SGA President-elect Courtney Anvender said. “I like separating the two elections.”
SGA also seated two new senators at during the meeting: sophomore Theresa Meinert as School of Nursing Senator and junior Michael DuBose as a Commuter Senator.
The Senate also chartered four student organizations.
The Asian American Association and the Chinese Student Scholar Association are now chartered student organizations.
The Korean Student Association and the Taiwanese Student Association chose to be dual-chartered under SGA, as well as the International Student Federation.
A dual-charter allows the group to remain under the umbrella organization, while having the ability to go to SGA for funding.
The Rugby Club was also allocated $5,945 in spot funding to attend its sweet 16 tournament in Florida.
The team was seated 8th after winning the regional tournament a few weeks ago.