Softball splits with Louisville
Sharon Turlek
• April 11, 2001
Hutton shines as SLU pitching staff’s ace
Liz Kisthardt
• April 11, 2001
Rugby plays in RuggerFest, falls to CMSU
Josh Brewster
• April 11, 2001
Title IX: Still closing the gap
Mark Sloan
• April 11, 2001
Men’s soccer opens spring season with win
Brian Reardon
• April 5, 2001
Boilermakers steam Billikens
Mark Sloan
• April 5, 2001
Title IX forces changes at SLU
Mark Sloan
• April 5, 2001
Trower finishes first at Butler
Sharon Turlek
• April 5, 2001
SLU downs EIU, 11-6
Derek Johannsen
• April 5, 2001
Pondering, probing the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tourney
Ryan Noonan
• April 5, 2001
O, Canada: Heaven is closer than you think
Brian Reardon
• March 29, 2001
Bills drop two of three to USF
Sharon Turlek
• March 29, 2001