Why are activities so late at night? Why am I treated like a non-Saint Louis University student in the residence halls? Why is parking so expensive when there isn’t a commuter parking lot? Where can I go between classes?
These are just a few of the concerns commuters have.
Commuter Student Association is a student-run organization that represents the interests and concerns of the commuting population at SLU through outreach, advocacy and membership.
“We are an advocacy group working to make commuter concerns a bigger university concern than they are now,” said Justin Ashby, commuter senator. “SLU is a residential campus. Therefore, it seems like we are a minority when we’re actually the majority.”
Any commuter student that has an issue or concern that they feel needs to be addressed can bring it to CSA’s attention, and they will work with the university and other organizations to resolve the issue(s).
Currently CSA is working on issues concerning residence hall check-in policies and parking. Currently all commuters have to be checked in by a resident, regardless of the time. CSA is trying to change the policy so they only have to check in from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.
“The residence hall policy of checking in makes me feel weird because I am a SLU student, and I don’t see why I don’t have access to campus residence halls,” said Brian Knobbe, a commuter.
Additionally, CSA is working on compiling some sort of online commuter student handbook full of useful information that commuter students need to know.
CSA’s goals are not to be the sole provider of student activities. The organization is unable to sponsor a lot of events because the funding is just not there.
One of the biggest concerns for commuters is the lack of activities at a reasonable time.
“Most commuters come to school, go to work and then go home. It is a big inconvenience for them to come back from work or their home to hang out with fellow students or participate in activities,” said Ashby.
Commuter students pay the student activity fee, but many activities take place in the evening. CSA is currently working with Student Activities Board and Student Government Association to provide commuter-friendly events.
“We have had some troubles in the past, but the new leadership is going to move CSA in the right direction as a representative voice for commuters at SLU,” said Ron Parres, commuter student senator.
CSA welcomes all commuter students to join the organization. They believe that students should not be deprived of University resources simply because they do not live on campus.