On Friday, Thomas Moberg resigned as vice president for Information Technology Service and the University’s chief information officer, citing in an e-mail to ITS colleagues “a perception that the University needs different IT leadership.”
In that e-mail, Moberg acknowledged the accomplishments of his division, which he described as becoming “a substantially stronger and more effective organization over the past four years.”
Moberg declined to be interviewed for this article.
Interim Provost Joe Weixlmann was informed Friday of the resignation.
“Tom Moberg has helped advance the use of information technology at Saint Louis University and has shown himself to be a person of sound character,” Weixlmann said.
He noted that a national search will start soon to find a replacement for Moberg and that Senior Vice Provost Ellen Harshman will serve in the role during the interim.
Weixlmann added that all current information technology initiatives, including the replacement of the computer systems and compliance with federal mandates for the security of health care records, will continue without interruption.