The search for the new dean of the John and Lucy Cook School of Business kicked into high gear this past week, as the Business Dean Search Committee narrowed their field down to just four candidates.
The remaining candidates are Paul Bobrowski, Patricia Meyers, Richard Highfield and Bill Blas?, and each will be attending a series of meetings over the next few weeks including personal receptions with students of the School of Business.
“We would like to get as many students to come out to the receptions as possible,” Professor Roger Goldman, chair of the search committee, said. “It is important that we get as much feedback as we possibly can.”
In light of this, the committee will be making feedback forms available to all members of the Saint Louis University community online.
The search committee started out with a pool of 61 applicants, which they narrowed down to 11. They brought in the remaining 11 applicants and conducted in-depth interviews with each. Then, after all of those interviews were completed, the committee trimmed the remaining list to just four and released their names last week.
The next step in the process will be to have a series of receptions and meetings for the SLU business school community, including students, alums and administration, to attend and get to know the various candidates. Students specifically, although not exclusive, are being encouraged to attend the personal receptions at the business school for each candidate.
Bobrowski is the first candidate being hosted, and a reception is scheduled for him next Monday, Feb. 10, outside the Anheuser-Busch Auditorium on the lower level of Cook Hall.
The other receptions will take place later in the month and early in March. Meyers’ reception will take place on Feb. 24, Highfield’s will be Feb. 27 and the reception for Blas? will be March 3. All of the receptions will be on the lower level of Cook Hall, outside of the A-B auditorium.
After the final meetings, receptions and interviews are conducted and all of the feedback forms and questionnaires are evaluated, the search committee will make their final recommendations to interim provost Joe Weixlmann, Ph.D., as to whom they believe should be brought back for a final round of interviews with both the provost and University President Lawrence Biondi, S.J. After the interviews, they will then make the final decision.
All SLU business students, alumni and administrators are strongly encouraged to attend the receptions taking place for the four candidates and are further encouraged to go online and fill out the feedback forms.