President of Saint Louis University College Republicans, Amy Lutz, has been involved with the group since her freshman year. Whether volunteering on and off campus, scheduling weekly speakers or speaking for radio ads, Lutz always seems to have plenty to keep her hard at work.
The College Republicans meet once a week. Lutz said that their primary focus during these meetings is discussing foreign policy and the economy. Lutz said the economy has been College Republicans’ number one issue lately, as she finds it to be the most pertinent to college students.
“Most of us are worried about getting a job after college,” Lutz said. “This is our future on the line. We have everything to gain or everything to lose.”
Lutz also stated that we, as college students, have a certain advantage over politics and campaigns outside of campus.
“We have connections that campaigns don’t have. We are in the college classes they talk about and can reach across the aisle,” Lutz said. “We can have big speakers and hand out flyers, but the No. 1 way to reach people is by making personal connections. We can do just that [and] more easily.”
But what many find difficult is the conflict between Republicans and Democrats. Though the two sides often disagree on most issues, Lutz said that there are a few things they can come to a consensus on.
“The College Republicans and College Democrats had a debate the other day. At times, we wanted to jump at each other. However, by the last question, regarding the importance of educated voters, we both agreed that was most important,” Lutz continued, “I think that the contention is not person versus person, but between ideas. The more informed a person is, the less radical they will become.”
Outside of campus, Lutz can be found interning for Dana Loesch at 97.1 FM radio.
She plays the piano and tennis and always enjoys reading a good political book when she finds the time.
“I am a social media addict and politics junkie. I do a lot of writing and blogging,” Lutz said.
Lutz had her first interaction with politics after the 9/11 terror attacks.
“After September 11th, our local newspaper had a giant flag on the back, and on the other side was George Bush’s quote, ‘These acts shattered steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve.’ I put the paper in my room window with the flag outward and the quote inside,” Lutz said. “I woke up to that quote every morning. It was the first time I ever saw our country come together, and the first time I felt there was something bigger than myself. So, I began reading and persuasive speaking. I can be kind of stubborn and opinionated, so I decided I wanted to be active about it.”
After graduation, Lutz hopes to involve the creation and giving of speeches into her career. She also hopes to have her own radio show.