Austin-based baroque pop band Mother Falcon took over the stage at the Old Rock House this past Sunday, Nov. 1. And when I say “took over,” I really mean it.
Mother Falcon is comprised of over a dozen different musicians. Trumpets, guitars, saxophones, keyboards, drums, cellos, banjos, violins, an upright bass, an accordion and even a mandolin are just a few of the instruments accounted for. The talent of the members of Mother Falcon is unmatched, and it would be difficult to find another band with more exceptional musicians. Each member is incredibly skilled at his or her craft. As a music lover, watching Mother Falcon play was like watching Van Gogh work on a painting – truly remarkable.
Mother Falcon’s music is lush and well constructed. The plucking of the string instruments sounded like raindrops falling onto the windows, and the bass added much weight to the airy and free-flowing sounds of their songs. This concert was not only for the ears, but for the eyes as well. The members of the band were in unison with the bows over the cellos and violins – it added a different component to the show and was mesmerizing to watch. Not to mention that the members were packed onto the stage like a tin of sardines; that alone is an interesting thing to see.
“Good Luck and Have Fun” is Mother Falcon’s latest album, and was released on Oct. 9 of this year. It has 12 different tracks on it, some with vocals, but a majority are instrumental. The vocals are sung by Tamir Kalifa and Claire Puckett, whose voices greatly compliment each other. A mélange of instruments provides a backdrop for some conceptually deep lyrics. The second half of the album drops vocals altogether, and “Good Luck and Have Fun” ends with seven interlocking instrumental pieces.
Despite losing vocals, the latter tracks do not suffer. The risk of splitting the album into two very different parts could have it sounding like incomplete projects, but Mother Falcon did a brilliant job with having the two flow together.
This is a testament to both their songwriting and playing abilities, as well as their skills as true artists.
I was first taken with Mother Falcon when a friend gave me a list of music suggestions, with their song “Marigold” being on it. “Marigold” is one of their most popular songs from their 2013 album “You Knew.” This song pounces with a punch before falling back onto the melodious vocals of Nick Gregg, and flows between whimsical love-struck ambition and powerful fury. To me, “Marigold” is one of those songs that just sums up all that a band is. It was a joy to see the band perform it and to see the member’s passion while playing this piece.
The next time you find yourself in a city where Mother Falcon is playing, make sure that you get a ticket to the show. I can guarantee you that it will be like a concert you have never experienced before, and Mother Falcon is such a unique band that really can’t be missed.