During last night’s Student Government Association meeting, SLU TV and KSLU received spot-funding to purchase equipment with live-broadcasting capability. This new equipment will allow SLU TV to broadcast live from locations around campus, including the Senate Chambers and Chaiftez Arena. KSLU will also be able to broadcast live events around campus on the radio.
“Any group will be able to broadcast its events live. . Speakers, concerts, any kind of on-campus event can be broadcasted through KSLU,” said Robert Moehle, a KSLU sports broadcaster. “We are taking KSLU, and we are moving it beyond the studio booth.”
SLU TV received $1,973 and KSLU received $2,415 in spot funding.
After debate from the Senate, the two organizations were given this funding to improve their broadcasting equipment and capabilities. SLU TV records SGA meetings every Wednesday, but, according to SLU TV President Maggie Szewcyk, it does not have the manpower to edit the hours of film for broadcast. Live broadcasts would require no editing and would allow students to view the meeting as it happens.
“This new system will allow us to broadcast live through the Ethernet around the whole campus,” Szewczyk said.
For the last few months, sports broadcasting at KSLU included the announcer speaking into a computer microphone through iChat over the Internet to the studio.
The new equipment would allow KSLU to broadcast directly to their studio for improved quality of all broadcasts. The cause of much debate for this funding was the timing. Usually CSOs would ask for funding during annual funding meetings at the beginning of the year. KSLU believed they would receive funding through the athletic department for the new equipment, but, according to Moehle, that fell through after the annual funding meetings.
“We needed this now so we can train members for the live broadcasts,” Moehle said.
The bill failed the first time it was on the Senate floor. After SLU TV’s bill passed, senators motioned to reopen the KSLU bill.
Parks Guard, the oldest student organization at Parks College, was also awarded $2,117 for 20 members to attend a drill event in Philadelphia. Una then presented a bill for funding to have the annual “Vagina Monologues” at the Sheldon Concert Hall. The bill passed without much debate and Una was awarded $3,600.