In his fourth year as Athletic Director at Saint Louis University, Chris May said that he expects all students to play a role in strengthening the athletic community on campus in 2011 and beyond. The University News had a chance to catch up with the man calling the shots for SLU athletics.

Q: What are your hopes and dreams for the Class of 2015, both for the student-athletes and fans?
A: “As we invite a whole new class of freshman in, we wish they both engage with the program. I ntercollegiate athletics can bring a community together and help us celebrate the wonderful parts of Saint Louis University. We encourage freshman to participate in all parts of campus, but especially in athletics. You can participate whether you’re on the court, in the stands, in the band or as a student-worker at games. You can build a community, a real culture around the sporting events that improves the atmosphere on campus.”
Q: The newly-passed Athletic Fee allows for students to attend men’s basketball games at no additional charge. Are there any other strategies to boost school spirit?
A: “You’ll see a lot of aggressive marketing efforts. The athletic department is spending a lot more time through social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. We’ve put on various promotions like feeding students at the games, doing premium or themed nights and we organized a student trip to a men’s basketball game at Xavier University in Cincinnati. We’re going to work hard to engage the student body, starting this Saturday night’s huge men’s soccer game against Northern Illinois.”
Q: The men’s basketball team is currently competing in Canada and Christy Connoyer, your head women’s softball coach, recently returned from a coaching gig with Team USA in Australia. How exciting is it to head up a department that spans the globe?
A: “It’s really encouraging, as the athletic director, to have people traveling internationally and promoting not only athletics but the whole University. Clearly, SLU is internationally known. What’s amazing is you have people come back from their trips and say, ‘You’ll never guess we saw somebody here or there.’ There are Billiken fans all over the world.”
Q: How would you grade SLU’s presence locally in the St. Louis Metropolitan area?
A: “I think we have a great relationship with the city. People living St. Louis and the surrounding communities have a long connection with Saint Louis University. We have been educating people for a long time here, and the support that the University and this athletic program receives is wonderful. So many people are proud to be Billikens. Our marquee program, the men’s basketball team, has a wonderful radio agreement with ESPN Radio that gives us great reach, and we have had good television exposure, as well.”
May and rest of the athletic department anticipate the annual onslaught of freshman support as the men’s soccer game kicks off their season this Saturday at Robert R. Hermann against the Huskies of Northern Illinois at 7 p.m.