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The University News

The Student News Site of Saint Louis University

The University News

The Student News Site of Saint Louis University

The University News

The Cold War is Creeping Back

The Cold War is Creeping Back

Steven Lum, Staff Writer May 2, 2021

It seems that the world is back to its good old Cold War shenanigans. Russia rapidly mobilizes its troops, the West and its allies scramble to ready what forces they can and Russia quickly withdraws those...

When Rhetoric Matters

When Rhetoric Matters

Jakob Benedetti, Contributor April 1, 2021

A year of the pandemic, while giving us many hopeful examples of human resilience and ingenuity, has also extracted a great toll on American society. Aside from the obvious physical and financial toll...

Why America Needs More Than Two Political Parties

Jakob Benedetti, Contributor March 11, 2021

This week, a Gallup poll came out showing that 50 percent of U.S. adults consider themselves to be “independent” of either the Republican or Democratic parties. This is the highest percentage since...

How Donald Trump’s Presidency Reflected the Epidemic of Narcissism in America

How Donald Trump’s Presidency Reflected the Epidemic of Narcissism in America

Anastasia Hanonick, Contributor March 7, 2021

A couple of weeks ago, I was scrolling through my Instagram feed and stumbled across an IGTV video made by music artist Lana Del Rey. I rolled my eyes. I assumed that the singer was in some sort of hot...

The Bog

The Bog

Michael Treviño, Contributor February 15, 2021

We met at the Einstein’s Bagels in the Saint Louis University library. If I think about it now and try to assign some meaning to it, then I guess it was poetic in a way, meeting in a library. A sturdy...

A History of Presidential Impeachments, and Why This One was Different from the Rest

A History of Presidential Impeachments, and Why This One was Different from the Rest

Conor Van Santen, Opinion Editor February 15, 2021

Almost 153 years ago, on Feb. 24, 1868, President of the United States Andrew Johnson became the first president to be impeached. In the articles of impeachment adopted by the House of Representatives,...

Deplatforming Trump is Too Little, Too Late

Anh Nguyen, Contributor February 15, 2021

The storming of the United States Capitol on Jan. 6 by a throng of white supremacists will surely go down into our history books. Yet, in some ways, the insurrection almost felt familiar. It looked like...

AOC’s Dangerous Obsession With Socialism Needs to End

AOC’s Dangerous Obsession With Socialism Needs to End

Anastasia Hanonick, Contributor February 12, 2021

From when she was first elected to Congress in 2018 until now, U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (often referred to as AOC) has religiously dedicated her career to championing social and racial...

Democracy Challenged: The Rise of Authoritarianism in the United States

Democracy Challenged: The Rise of Authoritarianism in the United States

Jordan Bailey, Contributor February 8, 2021

The political crisis impacting the United States has left many of us examining the vulnerabilities within our nation’s political system. More than two months have passed since the fiercely contested...

Trump’s Twitter Ban Is Good for Free Speech

Andrew Sweeso, Contributor January 24, 2021

President Biden’s inauguration ended the presidency of Donald J. Trump, but Trump’s influence arguably slipped away once he lost access to mainstream social media platforms. His permanent ban from...

The President Should Be Convicted

The President Should Be Convicted

Steven Lum, Staff Writer January 14, 2021

On Jan. 6, 2021, insurrectionists did what the Confederacy never could: They stormed Capitol Hill, waved a Confederate flag in the halls of Congress, and cut down the American flag, attempting to fly...

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