And the winners are.
Last week, the Student Government Association awarded the Mary A. Bruemmer Award and Joseph F. Hodes Student of the Year Award to Interim Vice Provost Kathy Humphrey and Senior Jason Sengheiser.
The Bruemmer Award “recognizes an individual whose actions have proven to further the development of the student body of Saint Louis University.”
Humphrey has served as director of residence life, associate vice provost of student development, and currently interim vice provost of student development.
The resolution spoke of Humprhey’s “tireless efforts to improve student life at SLU” as well as deeming her a “tireless advocate of student opinions, never afraid to listen to the needs and demands of the student body.”
“I felt very honored,” Humphrey said. “It’s nice to be rewarded by the people you’re working so hard for.”
Many goals still remain for Humphrey, including better student leader development, a stronger belief by students that the administration is listening, a commitment to enhance the Career Service Center, more stuff to do on campus, and more commuter services.
“My whole career has been about working with students,” Humphrey added. “The students want to see me listening and taking action.”
Jay Perry, SGA President, commented, “I can’t think of a better individual than Kathy Humphrey-she has been an advocate for all student needs and concerns. Thanks to her the University has done more in one year than the last 10 years.”
Jason Sengheiser, the recipient of the Joseph F. Hodes Student of the Year Award, is a senior who will graduate with a degree in environmental science and German.
Sengheiser most recently served as KSLU General Manager but has also participated in Amnesty International, Outdoor Club, and Student Activity Board Music Committee Chair.
“I felt happy and thankful for such a nice gesture from the students,” Sengheiser said.
The resolution awarding Sengheiser referred to his “selfless use of personal talents in leadership and service.” It also recognized his “sincere interest in promoting student advocacy, his intellectual aptitude, his leadership, maturity and commitment to service.”
Sengheiser claims his biggest accomplishments are the BossTones concert and the overall way KSLU has operated this past year under his direction and with the assistance of his staff.
“I’ve got some rather large shoes to fill,” said Brian Suda, KSLU General Manager Elect.