To the Editor:
I am a returning student to Saint Louis University, and I am surprised and dismayed that there is any talk of diminishing the music program at my alma mater.
I was blessed to have the opportunity of playing tenor saxophone in a jazz combo section under the instruction of Dr. Hughes for three years. Dr. Hughes is the epitome of a professional musician who is not above explaining and taking the time to demonstrate his ideas to his students. I did not pursue a major in music, but I was impressed by the array of different classes available to all skill levels.
My senior year, I seized the opportunity to take a beginning piano class under the tutelage of Dr. Dees. I was far from disappointed – another music class, another maestro at the helm. Sadly, I only attended one recital of the classical guitar students, but was stunned by the beauty of the music being performed.
If Saint Louis University wants to save money, that’s fine. I understand, but I pray this won’t be done in such an irrevocable manner. Losing this department for the sake of convenience in the short term just doesn’t seem to make sense. Especially not if the goal is to become the premiere Catholic university in the country. Losing this department doesn’t even make sense if Saint Louis University wants to call itself a real liberal arts institution.
Please, reconsider your options, and appreciate the gift of music for what it truly is – a gift.
Tim Foy
Alumnus, 2004