With the holiday travel season approaching, carpooling has made it onto the Student Government Association’s agenda.
In their tenth meeting of the year, SGA passed legislation that will create a SLU Ride Board.
The SLU Ride Board will be kept in the Busch Student Center near the Grand Marketplace on the second floor.
The board will be a place for students to submit requests for drivers or passengers.
SGA’s Civic Affairs committee will be in charge of maintaining the board; this is due in part to the board not being able to be solely online.
“[Saint Louis University] will not sponsor the board if it is online,” Flats at 374 senator, Dustin Paluch said.
It is for that reason that SGA will also be the primary source of funding for the board’s maintenance, namely purchasing paper for the carpool requests.
“The BSC will pay for the [physical] board,” Paluch said.
While the initiation and upholding of the project is a cooperative effort between SGA and the BSC administration, the ride board will not be able to continue without interaction from students.
The board is based around a map of the United States having been divided into seven zones.
The zones are divided by the ten most popular states in terms of feeding into the student population.
By having strategically separated the country into the zones, SGA hopes that there will be many opportunities for students to use the board in order to find rides home.
While finding a ride cross-country for University holidays is the primary focus, students will also be able to use the board for more local travel. One such example is carpooling to the Medical Center once the Grand Blvd. Bridge closes.
The legislation passed with a unanimous vote.