Where to Study This Finals Season

As yet another season of finals dawns upon the students of Saint Louis University, it is important to plan ahead to ensure the best possible results. This means remembering to drink more water than you do caffeine, taking naps when your body needs them and maximizing your study time by doing so in the best possible environment. 

SLU has countless study hubs. From Pius XII Memorial Library to the Chaifetz School of Business, the options are endless. Where you choose to study determines how productive you will be, so it’s very important that the spot you decide on is a good one. Since some students work best in complete silence without any distractions and others find themselves more productive with chatter or even the presence of their friends, it is important to recognize the attributes of each SLU study spot and how it will best accommodate your personal academic habits.

Pius XII Memorial Library

This is the classic pick. With five floors and a basement to choose from, every student is bound to find something beneficial from Pius. Floors 1 and 2 are more common chatty areas often used as social spaces, but for deep concentration and focus, Floors 3 and 4 are your best friend. Use a whiteboard to visualize what you are reviewing, and it’s perfectly convenient to pop over to Einstein’s for a caffeine recharge halfway through your study sesh! 

Center for Global Citizenship

As the weather gets colder, spending time outside is far less appealing, so as a great substitute for the tables along West Pine, head into the Center for Global Citizenship! The natural lighting is bright and will give you a cheerful boost from the bitter temperatures. The CGC’s open environment is very welcoming and the bright lighting will certainly keep you from falling asleep while reviewing your flashcards for the tenth time.

Chaifetz School of Business

Contrary to common belief, Richard A. Chaifetz School of Business is not just for Chaifetz students. This may not be the first study spot that comes to mind, but Chaifetz has an academic feel just like Pius that is bound to put you in the study mindset. Take a break from the cold brew and instead pick up a snack at the Ameren Cafe for energy!

Empty classrooms

For complete concentration, an unexpected solution comes in the form of an empty classroom. Sometimes it takes a bit of navigating to actually find an empty classroom and not be interrupted by an incoming class, but studying in a classroom could help you focus on your schoolwork as if you were actively in class. An empty classroom is also a great resource because you can talk out loud to yourself if you are an oral learner. 

As finals rapidly approach, get out of your bedroom and study elsewhere. While your bedroom may be of great comfort, it is also filled with distractions that pull you from your work. By separating your studying and relaxation in different locations, you are more likely to retain your review materials and be able to enjoy your breaks fully without anxiety about the work you still must accomplish. 

Good luck this finals season, but remember to take care of yourself first.